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I chose very precise ingredients for this formula because I am a picky son of a gun. I wanted a formula that would potentiate insulin production , yet NOT flood the body with excessive carbohydrates. You see, insulin is an interesting growth promoting compound, as it can grow all tissues . Therefore you must be prudent with your nutrition protocol when insulin levels are elevated.


Possesses a synergistic effect with 4- hydroxy-isoleucine + L-Leucine for augmenting an insulin response.

Formulas back in the day were overloaded with simple sugars — oftentimes making people bloated & fat.

Excessive carbs are NOT needed to spike insulin for creatine uptake, and the upcoming whey protein shake that should follow CreRiboVOL.

Allow athletes to utilize CreRiboVOL during contest prep/dieting or off-season/gaining since the carb count is minimal.

I don’t wish to be like other companies and cheapen up my products with worthless fillers or excessive carbohydrates.

BioEnergy® D-Ribose – 5 grams of trademarked brand D- Ribose. Supports skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle ATP production.

Cluster Dextrin® –10 grams of High molecular weight, low osmotic, easy digesting carbohydrates. Works synergistically with Leucine, 4-HIL, and Ribose to augment insulin production just enough for creatine uptake into muscle cells.

Ajipure® L-Leucine — 5 grams of vegetarian fermented, pharmaceutical-grade Leucine. Ignites mTOR response, and possesses insulinogenic properties for enhancing muscle recovery and nutrient uptake into muscle cells.

Promilin® 4-hydroxyisoleucine – 500 mg of 4-HIL per serving aids in a magnified insulin response to efficiently shuttle creatine, ribose, and leucine into muscle cells.


MPA CreRiboVOL ™ is made for those DIETING , and also for those in an off-season MASS GAINING phase. Being that there is minimal carbs , the off-season athlete looking to increase weight can add additional carbs to MPA CreRiboVOL ™ in supplement or food form.


I remembered a little gem that is highly overlooked by the name of D-Ribose. This glucose derivative is unique in that it doesn’t really skew your blood sugar levels like straight glucose. It’s main purpose in CreRiboVOL is to replenish A denosine T ri Phosphate ( ATP) stores in skeletal muscle and heart muscle.

In fact, ribose displays cardioprotective properties and may alleviate ischemia ( blood-restriction) conditions in the heart muscle which is pretty neat. CreRiboVOL uses the tried and true BioEnergy™ Ribose brand in a hefty dose of 5 grams in each serving. 4-Hydroxy-IsoLeucine ( Promilin™) – This constituent of Fenugreek seeds displays strong insulinotropic effects that coincides perfectly with the small amount of Cluster Dextrin ™ in each scoop of CreRiboVOL.

There was a fascinating study comparing 200 mg 4-HydroxyIsoLeucine + 3.5 grams creatine monohydrate to the standard 75 grams of fattening dextrose sugar + 3.5 grams creatine monohydrate. The results revealed that the 4-HydroxyIsoLeucine + creatine group gained the same amount of lean body mass (LBM) as the creatine + dextrose group in 8 weeks. This means you will reap the mass gaining benefits of creatine without accruing unnecessary water retention and body fat that goes along with sugar-loaded formula’s.

4-Hydroxy-IsoLeucine Benefits :

Enhances insulin production

Increases insulin sensitivity

Decreases glucose INTOLERANCE

Works in concert with Cluster Dextrin + L-Leucine to magnify the insulin response post-training for creatine transport to muscle cells.


Do I really need to talk about how proven and effective Creatine Monohydrate is? I feel bad for novices or even veterans that buy into the “next best creatine” ads, thinking it will somehow outperform what is stood the test of time — Creatine Monohydrate. Remember Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE)? Crap, pure and utter crap! It was instantaneously converted into the worthless byproduct creatinine which does our muscle cells no good!

Then they produced amino acid bonded creatines, or mineral chelated creatines, and the list goes on. All of these inferior creatine’s were companies failed attempts at trying to be innovative and reinvent the wheel by flashing new marketing to consumers. Like all of you have heard –”If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

I wanted to use a simple micronized creatine made by Creapure® . The dose is a husky 10 grams per scoop, but that is what will give you optimal results from my experience. Next I wanted to augment not only insulin , but protein synthesis via mTOR ignition. Whey protein could do this, but it will bog down your digestion in conjunction with CreRiboVOL. Since the L-Leucine is precisely what triggers mTOR response from the whey protein, we will cut to the chase and use 5 grams of Pharmaceutical Grade AjiPure ™ L-Leucine.


I won’t even try to convince anyone that straight up dextrose or maltodextrin at a low dose of 10 grams couldn’t get the job done regarding pulsing insulin initiation, however I am a big proponent of FEELING GOOD when I eat or drink products and am nitpicky. Therefore I say the heck with cheap dextrose or maltodextrin, and let’s use the absolute best — Cluster Dextrin™. Even 10 grams of dextrose could cause gastrointestinal disorders like nausea, cramping, bloating etc… Cluster Dextrin ™ due to its molecular structure will absorb and bypass through the small intestine in lightening speed. Cluster Dextrins ™ low osmolality yields rapid gastric-emptying , which equates to “ getting in and getting out ” and feeling ready for your next meal without feeling bogged down.


Proper digestion is everything when it comes to getting the most from your nutrition. The idea here is simple — setup the perfect environment for optimal digestion and utilization of nutrients that will come right after ingesting CreRiboVOL.

Real quick — Bromelain is derived from pineapple cores and is a proteolytic enzyme . It’s job is digesting protein, which is perfect for our following meal or whey protein shake that should come after consuming CreRiboVOL. This could possibly make your whey isolate or concentrate product work several times better. Bromelain will help breakdown and essentially “pre-digest” the whey into di & tri-peptides, which will absorb quicker and start the recovery process ASAP.


I want people to slam their CreRiboVOL either immediately after lifting heavy iron, or if folks are using an Intra-Workout drink and are already bloated and full of water — wait 30 minutes after you finish your Intra-Shake. Since CreRiboVOL is virtually pre-digested, don’t wait longer than 15-20 minutes to consume either a whey protein shake or a whole-food meal. —> You are setting up the perfect anabolic environment for utmost muscle recovery. Rest assured I will only use clinically dosed ingredients, and the best quality ingredients too. I could save money and use non-patented or trademarked ingredients but I won’t dupe people just to earn a few extra bucks. Remember, I use these products and precisely choose each and every ingredients I have first-hand seen results from. I hope people will start reaping the benefits of creatine again, without the accompanying bloat that used to come with such products.

Research & References

1 .) Takii H 1, Ishihara K , Kometani T , Okada S , Fushiki T .

Enhancement of swimming endurance in mice by highly branched cyclic dextrin.

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3.)Liu H 1, Liu R , Xiong Y , Li X , Wang X, Ma Y , Guo H , Hao L , Yao P , Liu L , Wang D , Yang X . Leucine facilitates the insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and insulin signaling in skeletal muscle cells: involving mTORC1 and mTORC2. Amino Acids. 2014 Aug;46(8):1971-9. doi: 10.1007/s00726-014-1752-9. Epub 2014 May 8.

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• Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2011) 10, 254 – 260



ADAPTATIONS. Lem Taylor , Chris Poole , Earnest Pena , Morgan Lewing , Richard Kreider , Cliffa Foster1 and Colin Wilborn

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• Antonio J, Ciccone V. The effects of pre versus post workout supplementation of creatine monohydrate on body composition and strength. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2013 Aug 6;10(1):36.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any disease. For more product warnings refer to product labeling.


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