An Innovative & Cutting-Edge Cardio and Endurance Amplifier: CardioTryx by EvoMuse!
We are thrilled to announce the release of CardioTryx, a supplement that is truly the first of its kind. We like to call it a “Cardio Amplifier”. If you are into endurance sports, MMA, are prepping for a contest or special life event and you want to maximize your cardiovascular training without spending hours on end, this is your product.
CardioTryx has been designed to do three main things:
Increase endurance
Reduce perception of work and pain
Shift the body”s fuel substrate usage from carbohydrate to fat
These three things are accomplished by some very novel mechanisms; which are thoroughly explained in this write-up backed by 86 published studies.
We plan on this being an immediate must-have supplement for MMA fighters, Crossfitters, and really anyone that wants to squeeze dramatically more out of each minute they spend doing cardio or metabolic training.
CardioTryx is so potent, that we recommend you only use it once per day about 45 minutes before cardio or metabolic conditioning (a lot of this has to do with the significant boost to AMPk, explained below). Those of you doing two-a-day workouts might be able to get away with 1.5x the normal dose split up before each session, but this will require self-experimentation, as everyone will respond differently.
Each ingredient has been broken down for you, detailing what it is and why it was included in the formula. A ton of research went into this product, and we encourage you to spend some time reading through this so you can truly understand why we are so excited about bringing you this product.
As you read this description you will see that we have spent an immense amount of effort perfecting this product. CardioTryx will assist you in reaching your training goals in less time, and with less effort, than ever before. You will lose more fat per minute of cardio, continue burning fat after training is over, reduce the tedium of cardio training, and amplify your body’s ability to adapt. You will be able to break through plateaus and reach performance levels you had previously only dream of.
CardioTryx – Reach Deep and Achieve!
CardioTryx ingredient: Platycodin D
Where does it come from?
Platycodin D. is isolated from the roots of the Platycodon grandiflorum plant, found in East Asia.
Performance or Fat Loss?
Fat Loss
What are the Primary Effects of this ingredient?
AMPk Activation: Fat loss and fat gain are moderated by numerous complex mechanisms, and AMPk is a key player in this flux. Generally speaking, bolstering AMPk activation is great for fat loss, in the right amount. Platycodin d. has been shown in multiple studies to significantly inhibit fat gain and increase fat burning through AMPk activation. Downstream, this AMPk activation attenuates activation of SREBP-1 and fatty acid synthase (FAS), two hormones responsible for fat storage. This is done in a novel way by triggering SIRT1 and CaMMK-b.
Crank up AMPk too high for too long, and we run the risk of losing muscle. We want to get a nice warm crackling fire burning in the fireplace without setting the furniture ablaze. This is one of the reasons it is generally advised to stick to once per day dosing of CardioTryx, before exercise to get the maximum benefits without risking muscle loss from chronic AMPk activation.
PPAR-y and C/EBPa Modulation
Platycon D. has been shown to reduce abdominal and whole body fat accumulation in mice fed an obesogenic diet by targeting two important cellular fat storage proteins, PPAR-y and C/EBPa . Basically they gave mice Platycodon D., tried to make them fat, and couldn”t do it.
Adipokine and Glucose Management
Another recent study trying to fatten up mice found that Platycodon D. was able to kick-start adiponectin (a fat burning adipokine) locally in fat cells while keeping it stable in serum compared to the placebo group. It was also able to suppress TNFa (an inflammatory cytokine) locally in fat cells. This resulted in reduced food intake and reduced fat accumulation while increasing glucose uptake in skeletal muscle . With regards to glucose, another study showed it was able to reduce blood sugar without stimulating insulin release, which is great for enhancing fat burning as well as long term health.
CardioTryx ingredient: Methyl Cinnamate
Where does it come from?
Methyl Cinnimate (MC) is an ester of cinnamic acid found in several plants and spices.
Performance or Fat Loss?
Fat Loss
What are the Primary Effects?
Like Platycodin D., MC interacts favorably with PPAR-y, SREBP-1, and C/EBPa, CaMMK2, and AMPk. However, MC targets pre-adipocytes, preventing potential fat cells from going down that pathway, thereby reducing the ability of the body to accumulate fat storage.
CardioTryx ingredient: Rhodiola crenulata/rosea (Standardized for 6% Salidroside content)
Where does it come from?
Rhodiola is a plant in the Crassulaceae family; various forms of it grow in cold regions all over the world.
Performance or Fat Loss?
What are the Primary Effects?
The published beneficial effects of Rhodiola are nothing short of daunting in volume, the focus here will be on just the most exciting, primary reasons for inclusion in this formula.
Performance: EPO/Hematopoiesis Stimulation: Erythropoietin, or EPO, is a hormone responsible for stimulating blood cell production (a process known as hematopoiesis). Exogenous EPO has become infamous in recent years as a doping agent used in professional cycling due to its profound benefits on boosting cardiovascular performance. One of the star players in Rhodiola is a compound called Salidroside, which has been shown in multiple studies to boost EPO.
Lactate control, ROS scavenging, Muscle damage reduction, Anti-inflammation: A recent study out of Italy looked at the effect of Rhodiola supplementation in trained athletes, and found, among other things, that the supplemented group showed significantly lower levels of blood lactate and creatine kinase (a marker of muscle damage) after exhaustive exercise compared to placebo.
Rhodiola also cranks up superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is a crucial antioxidant in almost all cells of the body exposed to oxygen . The reduced damage from ROS allows the body to optimally recover from exercise and reduces muscle damage. Supporting the body”s natural antioxidant system is the only way to go around exercise, as adding in most exogenous antioxidants can overload the already up-regulated system and actually delay recovery . Along these lines, salidroside has also been shown to be cardioprotective against oxidative stress and elevated homocysteine levels, even when subjects were given a potent cardiotoxic antitumor pharmaceutical drug.
One of the biggest obstacles to hurdle in hard training athletes is inflammation control. Some inflammation after exercise is necessary for proper adaptation, but those who tend to train hard and often will typically battle with controlling the balance between just enough inflammation, and chronic, performance crushing inflammation. Rhodiola/salidroside has been shown in multiple studies to help reduce excessive inflammation by targeting NF-kB, COX2, TNF-a, and the inflammatory interleukins.
Finally on the performance front, Salidroside potentially has another cool effect, it could turn out to be a great tool to help power through those rough cold weather workouts. A very recent study out of China showed Salidroside supplementation reduced mucus overproduction induced by cold stimulation.
Fat Loss: Appetite…..Losing fat is tough to do when you get stressed out and fire down an entire bag of Oreos. Salidroside has been shown to modulate a stress response that can trigger binge eating. A recent study out of Italy basically mimicked what physique athletes often do, reduce calories and deprive themselves; then inevitably end up facing temptation. The Salidroside treated group was able to resist “highly palatable foods” and avoid binge eating.
Insulin Sensitivity, Fat Oxidation, AMPk Activation, & More: Salidroside has been shown to activate AMPk, thereby enhancing glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity at the muscle cell, as well as the other previously mentioned benefits of turning up AMPk on fat loss. In a 30-day study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, researchers took 14 male athletes, made them do exhaustive cardio, and measured several blood markers with and without Rhodiola supplementation. They found that the same athletes exhibited significantly higher levels of fat oxidation after Rhodiola supplementation. Not only can Rhodiola help you burn more fat during exercise, it has also been shown to reduce fat accumulation when you”re not exercising.
CardioTryx ingredient: Acacia Catechu
Where does it come from?
Found growing in various parts of China and India, Acacia Catechu is a tall thorny tree. It was selected for inclusion in CardioTryx as a source of epicatechin and EGCG.
Performance or Fat Loss?
What are the Primary Effects?
Performance: Triggers building of new blood vessels and mitochondria, improves blood flow. Epicatechin does a bunch of cool things to improve performance. A 2013 study found supplementation for 30 days increased something called vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is a protein responsible for initiating the building of new blood vessels, particularly after exercise . The same study also demonstrated epicatechin”s ability to improve skeletal muscle capillarity (simply put, improved blood flow due to less friction from the vessel walls). The authors also suggested it may stimulate mitochondrial proliferation, which is a wonderful thing for improving performance. Interestingly enough, the positive benefits were maintained a full 15 days after cessation of the supplement. Other studies have also demonstrated increased angiogenesis (at rest and during exercise, by 30% and 50% respectively) and reduced mean arterial pressure with epicatechin supplementation.
Another recent paper published in the Journal of Physiology also demonstrated the same beneficial effect on capillarity and mitochondrial volume. An interesting finding in this study was that epicatechin was able to do this in the absence of exercise, but even more so when combined with exercise, well above what exercise can do on its own . What did that relate to, with regards to exercise performance? Quite a bit. The supplemental group improved treadmill performance by 50%, and reduced fatigue by 30%.
The more capillaries you have per muscle fiber equates to more blood flow to the area doing work, faster clearance of metabolic byproducts, and plenty of beneficial downstream effects on performance and body composition. Cardio training (and metabolic training like Crossfit) has a profound effect on increasing the capillary:muscle (C:M) fiber ratio. Researchers at Wayne State University put 32 mice through intense exercise 5 times per week for 5 weeks, and measured the C:M ratio, which increased significantly from baseline. They then gave one group epicatechin, and another group just water. After 14 days, the epicatechin group was able to maintain the heightened C:M ratio.
Reduces inflammation, muscle damage, perception of work, and age related performance loss. Researchers know that if you want to induce muscle damage for testing purposes, one of the best ways to do that is with downhill running. Haramizu, et. al., tested this out on mice and found that the supplemented group had significantly lower muscle damage and they actually had an increased level of voluntary wheel running following the testing . This is highly relevant to those that train hard and want to get back at it the next day, I”m assuming these mice weren”t training for any competitions, but they still wanted to go for another run after getting their butts kicked.
Another study looking at downhill running found that eight weeks of catechin ingestion “…attenuates the aging-associated loss of force production, oxidative stress, and inflammation in muscle after exercise”.
Fat Loss: Numerous studies have looked at the fat loss effects of epicatechin and EGCG, and it appears to be effective for this purpose by again attacking the C/EBP and PPAR-y angle, and even suppressing adipocyte differentiation (keeping preadipocytes from becoming fat cells).
CardioTryx ingredient: Baicalin
Where does it come from?
Baicalin is a flavone found in the herb blue skullcap.
Fat Loss or Performance?
Both, with an emphasis on fat loss
What are the Primary Effects?
Performance: Only one published paper to date has looked at the beneficial effects of Baicalin on exercise performance parameters. Researchers out of Taiwan aimed to find the root of the hypothalamic signaling melee leading to heatstroke during exercise, and suggested that baicalin might be effective at mitigating this process.
Fat Loss: Modulates AKt, CaMKKb, AMPk, ACC, C/EBP, FAS, KLF-2 & KLF-15. What does that alphabet soup mean for fat loss? Lots, actually. If you”ve been following along, several of those acronyms should already make sense. Baicalin is again going to downregulate PPAR-y and C/EBPs, which does so by suppressing Akt phosphorylation through inhibition of PDK1 . The net result of this, among other things, is going to be inhibiting fat accumulation by attenuating preadipocyte differentiation.
Baicalin is another AMPk activator, which does so through the favorable CaMMK pathway like Platycodin d. . Researchers in Shanghai conducted a profound study in mice fed a high fat diet (HFD) with or without baicalin supplementation . Keep in mind that mice don”t normally eat a high fat diet, and their metabolic machinery is ill adapted to do so. After 16 weeks, the bicalin group saw the following effects:
Suppression of body weight gain normally caused by the HFD
Reduced visceral fat
Decreased cholesterol
Decreased circulating FFA”s (a sign of increased fat oxidation)
Decreased circulating insulin
Reduced TNF-a (a potent inflammatory cytokine)
Reduced liver fat gain
Stimulation of AMPk and ACC
Decreased SREBP-1c and FAS
This is a perfect storm for fat loss, which makes baicalin a potentially potent weapon in the fat loss game. Another study out of Korea supported the previously seen fat loss potential and concluded that baicalin upregulates anti-fat storage regulators (KLF-2) and downregulates pro-fat storing regulators (KLF-15) which results in an inhibition of cellular fat accumulation.
CardioTryx ingredient: Antrodia Camphorata
Where does it come from?
Antrodia camphorata is a mushroom found growing in Taiwan.
Performance or Fat Loss?
What are the Primary Effects?
Little published data is available yet on the use of this compound for physical performance, but we hope to see more in the future as it appears to hold promise. In a recent university study, the researchers found some pretty impressive results.
Increased exercise endurance
Increased glycogen storage
Decreased plasma lactate
Decreased plasma ammonia
Decreased creatine kinase (muscle breakdown byproduct)
Increased grip strength
CardioTryx ingredient: Chitooligosaccharide
Where does it come from?
This is an oligosaccharide (a combination of several saccharides) derived from chitosan, which comes from treating crustacean shells with a special hydroxide.
Performance or Fat Loss?
Both, with an emphasis on performance
What are the Primary Effects?
Recent research has shown chitooligosaccharide can induce mitochondrial biogenesis, increase exercise endurance capacity, and act as an “exercise mimetic”. It appears to do these things through activation of Sirt1 and AMPk (which also make it a potentially viable fat burning compound), making it a great support nutrient to the other ingredients in CardioTryx targeting that also modulate these areas.
CardioTryx ingredient: Galangin
Where does it come from?
Galangin is a flavonol found in several places including Alpinia officinarum, Alpinia galanga (Zingiberaceae), and Helichrysum aureonitens.
Performance or Fat Loss?
Both, with some solid general health effects as well.
What are the Primary Effects?
Performance: First, let”s talk brain function, starting with a brief primer acetylcholine, as this will come up again with regards to other CardioTryx ingredients. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that interacts centrally and peripherally. In the brain it is an excitatory neurotransmitter that can contribute to better exercise performance, quicker speed of thought and better memory when it remains at optimal levels. In cardiac muscle, it can help control heart rate from getting too high during exercise. Endurance exercise has been shown to deplete acetylcholine, which could affect performance. Galangin is one of several ingredients in the formula that posess an inhibitory effect on acetylcholinesterase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down acetylcholine.
Fat Loss: Galangin targets fat loss through several distinct angles. In a recent study published in the journal Pharmaceutical Biology, the researchers wanted to find out what six weeks of feeding mice a crappy diet with and without galangin supplementation would do.
Here”s The Impressive Results From The Supplemental Group Compared to The Non-Supplemented Group:
Fat and weight gain were inhibited
Increased calorie intake was inhibited (they voluntarily ate less)
Decreased serum lipids
Decreased liver weight and liver triglycerides
Decreased lipid peroxidation (decreased cellular oxidative damage)
In a couple of other recent papers, researchers gave rats a bunch of fructose to induce metabolic damage, with and without galangin.
Here”s what Galangin did:
Improved insulin sensitivity (fructose feeding initiates insulin resistance)
Acted as an anti-inflammatory/hepatoprotective agent in the liver (lowered TNF-a, NF-kB and IL-6)
Acted as an antioxidant, reducing oxidative damage from the diet
CardioTryx ingredient: Phosphatidylcholine
Where does it come from?
Choline is found in a variety of food sources, usually in the form of phosphatidylcholine (red meat, egg yolks).
Performance or Fat Loss?
What are the Primary Effects?
As discussed previously, endurance exercise has the potential to deplete choline levels. PC is a precursor to acetylcholine, and multiple studies have shown that supplementation can improve exercise performance. A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that “acute oral supplementation with PC has been demonstrated to improve performance in a variety of sporting activities where exercise has depleted circulatory choline concentrations”.
Another study out of Germany looked at choline levels in trained athletes during exercise and measured the effect of PC supplementation . The researchers found that exercise alone dropped choline levels by 17%, and the addition of PC prevented choline levels from dropping at all. They also looked at PC supplementation without exercise and found that it raised choline levels by 27%.
CardioTryx ingredient: Artemisia Princeps
Where does it come from?
Artemisia is a plant found growing in China and Japan.
Performance or Fat Loss?
Mainly fat loss with some potential benefits on performance and general health
What are the Primary Effects?
Performance: The potential performance enhancing effect of AP once again targets the choline route. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that AP acted as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, and could act to enhance the cholinergic neurotransmitter system.
Fat Loss: Inhibition of fat storage, AMPk activatior, Anti-inflammatory. AP has quite a bit of research highlighting its potential as an anti-obesity agent. In mice fed a high fat diet for 14 weeks, AP was able to reverse all of the measured negative effects, including inhibition of the fat storing enzyme FAS, suppression of elevated leptin, and reducing body weight, glucose and insulin back to previous levels before initiation of the high fat diet.
In another study looking at diabetic animals, AP suppressed several enzymes responsible for fat storage including FAS, and it lowered triglyceride and cholesterol synthesis as well as brown adipose tissue (BAT). In vitro, AP has been shown to increase the translocation of skeletal muscle GLUT4 (where insulin docks to drive glucose into the cell) and inhibit AMPk.
General Health Benefits:
Peroxynitrate scavenger
Reduces oxidized LDL”s
CardioTryx ingredient: Schisandra Chinensis
Where does it come from?
Schisandra chinensis is a woody vine found in China, Russia and Finland.
Performance or Fat Loss?
Performance, with some general health bonuses
What are the Primary Effects?
Performance: Nitric Oxide, anti-inflammation, heat stress protection, immunostimulation. Nitric Oxide (NO) boosting supplements have seen a rise and subsequent (well-deserved) fall in popularity over recent years. One is unlikely to gain any beneficial effects out of most NO boosting supplements with regards to muscle gain, strength, or body composition. They do tend to crank up vascularity though, which makes them addictive to meatheads everywhere. However, for metabolic and/or endurance style training, when coupled with hematopoietic agents (discussed in the Rhodiola section), an increase in NO production, or a reduction in NO breakdown does hold promise for improving performance. Two recent studies have demonstrated the ability of Schisandra to boost NO levels.
Schisandra is also the second ingredient with potential to have a protective effect against heat stress during exercise in addition to baicalin. As previously discussed, inflammation control is crucial for recovery in hard training athletes. Multiple studies have demonstrated a beneficial effect from Schisandra on muting inflammatory cytokines like TNF-a, NF-kB, and COX2.
General Health Benefits:
Support for hepatic triglyceride & cholesterol levels (on par with fenofibrate)
Prevents lipid peroxidation
CardioTryx ingredient: Cynomorium Songaricum
Where does it come from?
Cynomorium songaricum comes from the plant family Cynomoriaceae.
Performance or Fat Loss?
What are the Primary Effects?
This unique ingredient holds quite a bit of promise for performance enhancement, and has demonstrated some interesting anti-aging effects. A recent study out of China found that supplemental CS significantly elevated free radical scavenging enzymes in swimming rats thereby reducing oxidative damage, and was able to reduce muscle fatigue, which improved their endurance by 61% . While often used to improve sexual function and treat kidney dysfunction in traditional Chinese medicine, researchers have also found that CS creates an environment with a heightened resistance to oxidative stress and starvation, lower lipid hydroperoxide levels, suppressed age related learning impairments, and an extension of mean and maximum lifespan in flies.
CardioTryx ingredient: Grifola Frondosa
Where does it come from?
Grifola Frondosa is a mushroom that can be commonly found growing around the base of oak trees, and is considered a “medicinal mushroom” in Japanese and Chinese herbology.
Performance or Fat Loss?
Both, with an emphasis on fat loss
What are the Primary Effects?
Performance: Grifola is another ingredient in the CardioTryx formula that should provide NO support, this time by increasing inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) levels . It has also been shown to help control inflammatory cytokines and boost the immune system.
Fat Loss: Numerous studies have demonstrated some pretty cool effects on Grifola”s ability to enhance fat loss. At least three separate papers have highlighted its ability to lower fasting blood glucose.
Researchers out of Tokyo found it was able to inhibit conversion of pre-adipocytes in white adipose tissue (WAT), as well as reduce triglyceride accumulation and upregulate uncoupling proteins (UCP1) in brown fat (BAT) . Another study out of Tokyo re-affirmed the ability to inhibit adipocyte differentiation as well as reduce the expression of the aforementioned C/EBPs.
Finally, a great study published in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology demonstrated a slew of benefits in diabetic mice:
Reduced body weight
Reduced insulin
Reduced triglycerides and total cholesterol
Reduced circulating FFA”s (meaning more fat is being oxidized)
Reduced malondialdehyde (MDA)
Increased hepatic glycogen
Increased activity of SOD
Increased insulin sensitivity and amelioration of insulin resistance in peripheral tissues
CardioTryx ingredient: Angelica Polysaccharides
Where does it come from?
Angelica polysaccharides come from the plant Angelica sinensis, also known as dong quai. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to combat fatigue and anemia.
Performance or Fat Loss?
What are the Primary Effects?
This is the third ingredient in CardioTryx included for it”s ability to boost hematopoiesis, which it has been shown to do in vitro as well as in vivo in multiple studies. AP has also demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects.
CardioTryx ingredient: Guanidinopropionic Acid (GPA)
Where does it come from?
GPA is a creatine analogue, that has a vastly different effect than creatine itself. It is beneficial for fat loss as it tells the body it has low cellular energy concentrations, and therefore you should avoid taking creatine along with it as they will be working against each other. For a great, in-depth review of how it works in the body, see this article.
Performance or Fat Loss?
Both, with an emphasis on fat loss
What are the Primary Effects?
Performance: A review of GPA data shows it has a unique ability to increase tolerance to fatigue, likely because it shifts the body into a fat burning metabolism which provides a much greater pool of energy over glucose burning with less accumulation of fatigue inducing ROS.
Fat Loss: GPA is a potent, well-studied fat loss tool that exerts its effect through multiple mechanisms. Two different studies have demonstrated its ability to increase GLUT4 concentration at the muscle cell membrane by 60% which will lead to better insulin sensitivity and glucose management. A PLoS One review in 2013 looked at 131 studies on GPA and found that it demonstrated a significant ability to shift the skeletal muscle metabolism from glycolitic to oxidative (better for burning fat), as well as increasing cellular glucose uptake . GPA also targets fat loss by providing another trigger for AMPk boosting.
CardioTryx ingredient: Caffeine
Where does it come from?
Caffeine is naturally found in a variety of sources including coffee beans, tea leaves and cocoa nuts.
Performance or Fat Loss?
What are the Primary Effects?
Caffeine is probably one of the most studied ergogenic aids next to creaine; here”s the key points extrapolated from the volumes of research.
Increased cellular oxygen uptake during exercise
Allows ability to perform more exercise with no increased sensation of effort
Moderate doses improve performance just as much as high doses
Blunts perceived exertion and pain perception, provides a more positive subjective experience while training
Shown to be ergogenic in intense exercise ranging from 4-180 seconds, and improves performance in single and multiple sprint intervals
Redosing caffeine six hours later not necessary to maintain increased performance in two-a-day workouts
Significantly improves time to exhaustion during exercise, even when taken four hours prior to workout
Fat Loss: Increased rates of thermogenesis, fat oxidation, and lean mass sparing.
CardioTryx ingredient: Aminolevulinic Acid
Where does it come from?
Aminolevulinic acid is found in the body, produced by the enzyme ALA synthase from glycine and succinyl CoA. It is included in the CardioTryx formula as a heme precursor.
Performance or Fat Loss?
Both, primarily performance
What are the Primary Effects?
Performance: As stated Aminolevulinic acid is utilized here as a heme precursor, a major component of hemoglobin.
Fat Loss: Aminolevulinic acid has also been shown in a new study published in the Journal Nutrition to modestly drop fasting blood glucose in adult humans who are mildly hyperglycemic.
CardioTryx ingredient: Ferric Bis-Glycinate
Where does it come from?
Ferric bis-glycinate is a highly absorbable form of iron. It has been shown to have a 91% bioavailability compared to the 27% achieved with the common form of iron in multi-vitamins, ferrous sulfate.
Performance or Fat Loss?
What are the Primary Effects?
One of the potential side effects of boosting NO is depletion in iron levels, which can then negatively affect performance . We”ve got your bases covered. Even minor iron depletion that does not register as clinical anemia can negatively affect performance. In one study, subjects with mild iron deficiency exercised for four weeks and their performance decreased throughout, while the 86% of the iron supplemented group showed improved performance times.
Recommended Dosage
As a dietary supplement, take 6 capsules an hour before your workout with plenty of water.
Consult your physician before using this or any dietary supplement. Do not take if you are pregnant or breast feeding, elderly or under the age of 18, chronically ill, or taking any prescription or over-the-counter medicine, including but not limited to antidepressants (such as MAO inhibitors), stimulants, allege medications, and medications for high blood pressure or other cardiovascular conditions. Discontinue use if you experience dizziness, headache, nausea, or heart palpitations. If you have trouble sleeping, do not take within 6 hours of bedtime. Keep out of reach of children. Before beginning any program of weight loss, consult your healthcare practitioner.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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