A few things to consider before starting your cycle

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Chances are, that if you visit this website, you have an interest in running either SARMs, pro-hormones or other performance enhancers. Most of you already have a few cycles under your belt. Let’s face it, it feels great being on a cycle and when you see the results, it feels even better. However, there are a few things that can go wrong and it’s always best to plan ahead. Here’s a few things you might want to consider before running your next cycle, they can help keep your body healthy during and after your run. Read this before starting your cycle.

Have everything ready

Make sure that you have all your supplements and pro-hormones, etc. ready BEFORE you start your cycle. The last thing you want to happen is to run out during your cycle and then have to re-order and wait anywhere from between 2-15 days for more of it to arrive. It is especially important that you have your cycle supports and PCT ready before hand. Make sure you have plenty of liver support, cholesterol support, anti-estrogens and test boosters to last you for the entire duration of your cycle.

Write down a plan

Take out a pen and paper or open up a spreadsheet and write down everything that you will be taking. Make a daily plan of all the supplements and their dosages that you will be taking so that you can make sure you’ve taken everything for the day and know exactly when/if you need to up the dosage. It also helps to keep a log with all the things that you notice on cycle, such as side-effects and or results so you are more prepared for the next time.

Do a cleanse prior

This is something that I personally like to do. 3 days before starting a cycle, I will do a juice fast. This helps to detox your liver and kidneys, improve your blood pressure, clean out your stomach (you’ll probably be eating big so this one is important) and do an overall cleanse. The cycle will have an impact on all these things so it’s good to start off clean. Make sure to include fruits and veggies like parsley, cilantro and lemon which are known to detox the liver and kidneys.

Load up on liver support

Starting your liver support a week before starting your cycle helps to detox and cleanse your liver and prepare it for the upcoming cycle. Most oral steroids/pro-hormones are activated in the liver and this can cause quite a lot of stress on the organ. TUDCA is a great liver cleansing supplement.

Get advice on the forum

The muscle research forum is a great place for knowledge. A lot of experienced users are more than willing to share their knowledge and help you fine tune your cycle at the forums. If you have any doubt, or you just want a second opinion, post your cycle layout on the forums and someone will always be there to help you out.

Hopefully this article will help you before starting your cycle.

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